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App Configuration

To set the Gnosis Application configuration settings, use the Gnosis Configuration App, which is only accessible to users with an Administrator or Developer Role.


Add Configuration Setting

Click the New Configuration toolbar button that opens the New Configuration dialog.

  • Name—The configuration setting name. The Name is required, and if a configuration setting is selected, the new configuration setting will be a sub-setting to the chosen setting. You can also use a slash (/) to create sub-configuration settings. The Name will show a dropdown of standard configuration settings to choose from,
  • Value—The value for the configuration setting.

Google reCAPTACH Settings

Google reCAPTCHA can be used to help valid users. This will require setting up and obtaining Google reCAPTCHA keys.

Google reCAPTCHA SecretKey

/Google/reCAPTCHA/SecretKey = xxxxxx

Set the /Google/reCAPTCHA/SecretKey configuration setting to the Google reCAPTCHA Secret Key.

Google reCAPTCHA SiteKey

/Google/reCAPTCHA/SiteKey = xxxxxxx

Set the /Google/reCAPTCHA/SiteKey configuration setting to the Google Google reCAPTCHA Site Key.

Mail Settings

The Gnosis Application will send emails about various user activities. It requires an SMPT server and a support user account.

Mail Error

/Mail/Error =

Set the /Mail/Error configuration setting to a comma-delimited list of email addresses. Gnosis will send an error email when a background Task or Auto Backup fails.

Mail From

/Mail/From =

Set the /Mail/From configuration setting to the from address when an email is sent.

Mail From Name

/Mail/FromName = Demo Application

When sending an email, set the /Mail/FromName configuration to the From Name.

Mail Safe Emails

/Mail/SafeEmails =

Set the /Mail/SafeEmails configuration setting to a comma-delimited list of email addresses to send emails rather than the actual email address used when sending the email. This is used to prevent emails from going out while still configuring the Gnosis Instance.

Mail Support

/Mail/Support =

Set the /Mail/Support configuration to a comma-delimited list of email addresses to send to the Gnosis Instance support.


/Mail/SMTP/Host =

Set the /Mail/SMTP/Host configuration to the SMTP hostname.

SMTP Password

/Mail/SMTP/Password = xxxxxxx

Set the /Mail/SMTP/Password configuration setting to the password for the email user account.


/Mail/SMTP/Port = 587

Set the /Mail/SMTP/Port configuration to the SMTP port number.


Mail/SMTP/SSL = true

Set the /Mail/SMTP/SSL configuration setting to true to use SSL.

SMTP Timeout

/Mail/SMTP/Timeout = 100

Set the /Mail/SMTP/Timeout configuration setting for the SMTP timeout.

SMTP User Name

/Mail/SMTP/UserName =

Set the /Mail/SMTP/UserName configuration to the email user account name.