
Represents background task descriptor that is returned by CreateTask function.

BackgroundTask Properties

Id : Integer

Name : String
Entity name.

User : Identity
The current user during the task execution (usually the one who created the task).

Command : String
Indicates what command to execute (can be built-in command or custom script/view command).

Parameters : Dict
Task command parameters.

Priority : Integer
Task priority (the greater is priority, the more critical is to start the task).

CreateTime : DateTime
Task creation time.

UnlockTime : DateTime?
The time when the task will be considered ready to start (scheduled task), or null to start immediately.

StartTime : DateTime?
The time when the task was started, or null if not yet.

FinishTime : DateTime?
The time when the task was finished, or null if not yet.

Status : String
Task status.

  • Pending
  • InProcess
  • Failed
  • Succeeded
  • Paused

StatusMessage : String
Task status message.

Progress : Integer
Current task progress (between 0 and 100).

Result : Dict
Task result dictionary.

Error : Error
Task error if any.

Paused : Boolean
Shortcut to check if the status is ‘Paused’.

Pending : Boolean
Shortcut to check if the status is ‘Pending’.

InProcess : Boolean
Shortcut to check if the status is ‘InProcess’.

Finished : Boolean
Shortcut to check if the status is ‘Succeeded’ or ‘Failed’.

Succeeded : Boolean
Shortcut to check if the status is ‘Succeeded’.

Failed : Boolean
Shortcut to check if the status is ‘Failed’.

Ready : Boolean
Indicates that the task is ready to be executed.

FailAttempts : Integer
Number of attempts to try re-executing the task if it failed.
Set to -1 to retry until the task succeeds.

CurrentAttempt : Integer
Current attempt (equals 0 on normal execution, 1 on 1st fail attempt).

FailWaitSeconds : Integer
Number of seconds to wait before the next attempt after fail.

FailWaitMultiplier : Integer
Wait multiplier.
The number of seconds to wait is calculated by the formula: FailWaitSeconds * (1 + FailWaitMultiplier * CurrentAttempt).

MaxResults : Integer
Maximum length of the task results history.
Set to 0 (default) to not limit the history, set to -1 to not track results history.

Simulate : Boolean
The task should be running in simulation mode.

Accessible : Boolean
Indicates the current user has access to the task.
The task is accessible to the task owner, to an admin or developer.

Deferred : Boolean
Indicates that the task execution is deferred until the current transaction is finished.

BackgroundTask Methods

History(count = -1, skip = 0) : BackgroundTaskResult[]

Get the history of the task results.

History Parameters

count : Integer = -1

skip? : Integer

Refresh() : BackgroundTask

Refresh the task from DB to check its current status.

Wait(ms = -1) : BackgroundTask

Wait for the task to finish.

Wait Parameters

ms : Integer = -1
Number of milliseconds to wait. -1 to wait until the task is finished.


Task result history record.

BackgroundTaskResult Properties

StartTime : DateTime
The time when the task was started.

FinishTime : DateTime
The time when the task was finished.

Succeeded : Boolean
Indicates whether the task succeeded or not.

Result : Dict
Task result dictionary.

Error : Error
Task error if any.

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