
Excel file returned by Excel function.

ExcelFile Properties

Name : String
Excel file name.

Sheets : Dict
Dictionary of excel sheets (name -> ExcelSheet).


One excel sheet from excel file.

ExcelSheet Properties

Name : String
Sheet name.

Columns : String[]
Array of column names (usually after FindHeader call).

Rows : Table
Values table of the sheet.

ExcelSheet Methods

FindHeader(keys?, startRowIndex = 1, endRowIndex = 0) : ExcelSheet

Finds table header with column names.

FindHeader Parameters

Array of required column names to search for.
Can be string to search for one required column name, or null to search for any header-like row.

startRowIndex : Integer = 1
Row index to start search from.

endRowIndex? : Integer
Row index to stop search at (0 – to search until the end).


Table is array of rows (TableRow[]).
Table rows can be retrieved by index, table columns can be retrieved by name.

Table Properties

$Columns : String[]
Array of column names.


TableRow is array of items.
Table items can be retrieved both by index and by column name.

TableRow Properties

$Index : Integer
Real index of the row in the table.

TableRow Methods

RowToDict() : Dict

Get row as dictionary (column -> value).

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