
Code information.

CodeInfo Properties

Params : Argument[]
Input parameters definition.

ResultType : ArgumentType
Code result type.

Group : String
Display group.

Description : String
Code description.

Examples : String[]
Code usage examples.


Represents AST node of a script expression.

Expression Properties

TypeName : String
Node type (e.g. ‘Array’, ‘Dict’, ‘Assign’).

IsComplex : Boolean
Indicates that the node is complex expression and should be enclosed in parentheses (or {: :} in case of substitutions).

Leaves : Expression[]
Node leaves (if any).


Function Properties

Name : String
Function name.

AliasName : String
Alternative function name.

DisplayGroup : String
Display group (e.g. for documentation UI).

Description : String

Examples : String[]
Function usage examples.

Arguments : Argument[]
Function arguments definition.

ResultType : ArgumentType
Function result type.


Describes script expression dependency on other part of the application.

ScriptDependency Properties

Name : String
Dependency name (e.g. full name of an item type, property name, etc.).

Type : String
Dependency type.

  • Unknown
  • ItemProperty
  • Items
  • Property
  • ItemType
  • Solution

SourceType : String
Dependency source type.

  • Inline
  • File
  • Expression
  • DefaultValue
  • CheckConstraint
  • StateExpression
  • ImportScript
  • View
  • TransitionCondition
  • Activity

External : Boolean
Indicates that the dependency is external (e.g. outside of current type).

Property : ItemProperty
Target property (if any).

ItemType : ItemType
Target item type (if any).

Solution : Solution
Target solution (if any).


Template object returned by Template function.

Template Properties

Name : String
Template name.

Body : String
Template body.

Blocks : Dict
Blocks defined by the template body after substitution (name -> startIndex).

Vars : Dict
Variables defined by the template body after substitution.

Template Methods

Substitute(scope) : String

Substitute the template within specified scope and return generated string.

Substitute Parameters



Substitute the template within specified scope and return generated object or string.

SubstituteObject Parameters


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