
Document file attachment.

Document Properties

Id : Guid
Unique document ID.

FileName : String
Document file name.

MimeType : String
Document MIME type.

FileSize : Long?
Document file size in bytes.

FileDate : DateTime?
Document file last modification time.


Resource Properties

Name : String
Short name of the resource (usually file name from URL).

Url : Url
URL of the resource (usually real URL for external resources).

MimeType : String
MIME type of the resource if it is known.

KnownSize : Long?
Size of the resource if it is known.

KnownDate : DateTime?
Last modification time of the resource if it is known.


File/directory resource information.

ResourceInfo Properties

Url : Url
Resource URL.

IsDir : Boolean
Indicates that the resource is a directory.

Date : DateTime
Resource last modification date.

Size : Long
Resource size in bytes.

IsLink : Boolean
Indicates that the resource is a link.

Name : String
Resource short name.


Url Properties

Protocol : String
URL protocol (e.g. ‘https’).

IsLocal : Boolean
Indicates that the URL is local (Protocol is ‘file’ or empty).

User : String

Password : String

UserInfo : String
User info part in the form ‘{User}:{Password}’ encoded.

Host : String
The host component of the URL.

UrlPrefix : String
Protocol, UserInfo and Host combined.

Directory : String
Directory path component of the URL.

IsRooted : Boolean
Indicates that Directory starts with ‘/’.

IsRelative : Boolean
Indicates that Directory path is relative.

FileName : String
File name component of the URL.

Extension : String
FileName extension started with dot (e.g. ‘.txt’), or empty string if no extension.

FileNameWithoutExtension : String
FileName without extension.

LocalPath : String
Directory combined with FileName.

RemoteDirectory : String
UrlPrefix combined with Directory.

RemotePath : String
RemoteDirectory combined with FileName.

Params : Dict
Parsed Query parameters dictionary (name -> value).

QueryString : String
Query string formed from Params dictionary.

UrlSuffix : String
QueryString prefixed by ‘?’ if there are URL params, or empty otherwise.

Url : String
RemotePath combined with Query (full URL).

IsEmpty : Boolean
Indicates that the URL is empty.

DisplayUrl : String
RemotePath with Password stripped out.

Parent : Url
Parent URL of this URL (the URL with FileName part cut off).

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