RestService(url, params?, method = ‘GET’, user?, password?, timeout?, headers?, binary = false, allowReadOnlyPost = false, session = false)

Alias: Ajax

Calls REST service and returns the response object.

RestService Parameters

url : Url
Target URL; alternatively an array of argument arrays to run in parallel.

params? : Dict?
Parameters dictionary.

method : String? = ‘GET’
HTTP method (can be GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, Post.Json, Put.Json or Patch.Json).

user? : String?
User name for basic auth.

password? : String?
Password for basic auth.

timeout? : Integer
Timeout in seconds.

headers? : Dict?
Custom headers (set any header to null to remove default one).

binary : Boolean = false
True to get result as binary file.

allowReadOnlyPost : Boolean = false
True to allow POST-like methods in readonly mode.

session : Boolean = false
True to use session (keep and use cookies).

RestService Examples

var result = RestService(',wind_speed_10m');
var data = [result.current.temperature_2m, result.current.wind_speed_10m];

SendEmail(email, subject, body, fromName?, attachments?, cc?, bcc?, emlName?)

Sends e-mail to specified mailbox.

SendEmail Parameters

email : ?
Email address(es) to send mail to (can be string or array of strings).

subject : String
Subject of the message.

body : String
HTML message body.

fromName? : String?
Sender name or/and email.

attachments? : []?
Files to attach.

cc? : ?
Carbon Copy address(es).

bcc? : ?
Blind Carbon Copy address(es).

emlName? : ?
Set to not send email and return generated .eml file.

SendEmail Examples

var ok = SendEmail('', 'Subject', 'Text content');
var ok = SendEmail('', 'Subject', 'Text content', null, [File('res:///internal/attachment.pdf')]);

SendEml(document, altview = false) : Boolean

Sends EML message.

SendEml Parameters

document : Resource
Document resource file to send (*.eml).

altview : Boolean = false
True to use alternate views for body.

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