Payments Functions

StripeCoupon(action, options?, id?) : ?

Manage Stripe Coupons.

StripeCoupon Parameters

action : String
list, get, create, update, createOrUpdate, delete

options? : Dict?
action options

id? : String?
optional Id of the Subscription for update/delete operations

StripeCustomer(action, options?, id?) : ?

Manage Stripe Customers.

StripeCustomer Parameters

action : String
list, get, create, update, createOrUpdate, delete

options? : Dict?
action options

id? : String?
optional Id of the Subscription for update/delete operations

StripeInvoice(action, options?, id?) : ?

Manage Stripe Payment Invoices.

StripeInvoice Parameters

action : String
list, get, create, update, createOrUpdate, delete

options? : Dict?
action options

id? : String?
optional Id of the Subscription for update/delete operations

StripePaymentIntent(action, options?, id?) : ?

Manage Stripe Payment Intents.

StripePaymentIntent Parameters

action : String
list, get, create, update, createOrUpdate, delete

options? : Dict?
action options

id? : String?
optional Id of the Subscription for update/delete operations

StripePaymentMethod(action, options?, id?) : ?

Manage Stripe Payment Methods.

StripePaymentMethod Parameters

action : String
list, get, create, update, createOrUpdate, delete

options? : Dict?
action options

id? : String?
optional Id of the Subscription for update/delete operations

StripePlan(action, options?, id?) : ?

Manage Stripe Plans.

StripePlan Parameters

action : String
list, get, create, update, createOrUpdate, delete

options? : Dict?
action options

id? : String?
optional Id of the Subscription for update/delete operations

StripeProduct(action, options?, id?) : ?

Manage Stripe Products.

StripeProduct Parameters

action : String
list, get, create, update, createOrUpdate, delete

options? : Dict?
action options

id? : String?
optional Id of the Subscription for update/delete operations

StripeSession(action, options?, id?) : ?

Manage Stripe Checkout Sessions.

StripeSession Parameters

action : String
list, get, create, update, createOrUpdate, delete

options? : Dict?
action options

id? : String?
optional Id of the Subscription for update/delete operations

StripeSetupIntent(action, options?, id?) : ?

Manage Stripe SetupIntents.

StripeSetupIntent Parameters

action : String
list, get, create, update, createOrUpdate, delete

options? : Dict?
action options

id? : String?
optional Id of the Subscription for update/delete operations

StripeSubscription(action, options?, id?) : ?

Manage Stripe Subscriptions.

StripeSubscription Parameters

action : String
list, get, create, update, createOrUpdate, delete

options? : Dict?
action options

id? : String?
optional Id of the Subscription for update/delete operations

StripeUsageRecord(action, options?, id?) : ?

Manage Stripe UsageRecords.

StripeUsageRecord Parameters

action : String
list, get, create, update, createOrUpdate, delete

options? : Dict?
action options

id? : String?
optional Id of the Subscription for update/delete operations

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