Lifecycle Objects


Defines possible item states, transitions between states and event handlers.

Lifecycle Properties

Id : Integer

Name : String
Entity name.

Solution : Solution
Target solution the entity belongs to.

FullName : String
Full name of the lifecycle in the form ‘{SolutionName}.{LifecycleName}’.

Description : String

Stateless : Boolean
Indicates that the lifecycle has no states (to be used by property types).

IsUsed : Boolean
Indicates that there is at least one item type using this lifecycle.

IsShared : Boolean
Indicates that the lifecycle is used by more than one item type.

TranslatedDescription : String
Description translated to the current user’s language.

States : LifecycleState[]
States in the order they appear in the flow starting from the start state.

ItemCreatedWorkflow : Workflow
Workflow to execute when an item is created.

ItemChangedWorkflow : Workflow
Workflow to execute when an item is modified.

ItemPromotedWorkflow : Workflow
Workflow to execute when an item is promoted to another state.

ItemDeletedWorkflow : Workflow
Workflow to execute when an item is deleted.

ItemTypes : ItemType[]
Item types that use this lifecycle.

Lifecycle Methods

IsDefault() : Boolean

True if the lifecycle is one of the default ones.

IsAccessibleFor(identity) : Boolean

Check if the entity is accessible for the specified identity.

IsAccessibleFor Parameters

Identity object, or team name, or user email.

IsAccessibleFor Examples


IsAccessible() : Boolean

Check if the entity is accessible for the current user.


Next item state transition.

LifecycleNextState Properties

Id : Integer
Target state ID.

Name : String
Target state name.

TransitionLabel : String
Transition label.

IsArchive : Boolean
Indicates that the target state is archive state.

IconClass : String
Target state icon class.

Color : String
Target state color.

Description : String
Transition description (used as confirmation warning by UI).

Transition : LifecycleStateTransition
Transition to the next state.


Defines one lifecycle state.

LifecycleState Properties

Id : Integer

Name : String
Entity name.

Label : String
State label.

Description : String
State description.

TransitionLabel : String
Label for transition to this state.

IsArchive : Boolean
Indicates that the state is archive state.

IsStart : Boolean
Indicates that the state starts the item lifecycle.

IconClass : String
State icon class used by UI.

Color : String
State color used by UI.

TranslatedLabel : String
Label used by UI, translated to the current user’s language.

TranslatedDescription : String
Description translated to the current user’s language.

TranslatedTransitionLabel : String
Transition label used by UI, translated to the current user’s language.

Lifecycle : Lifecycle
Lifecycle the state belongs to.

LifecycleState Methods

GetAllTransitions() : LifecycleStateTransition[]

Get all transitions from this state.

GetBackTransitions() : LifecycleStateTransition[]

Get all transitions to this state.


Transition from one lifecycle state to another.

LifecycleStateTransition Properties

FromState : LifecycleState
Initial state of the transition.

ToState : LifecycleState
Target state of the transition.

Label : String
Transition label.

Description : String
Transition description (used as confirmation warning by UI).

TranslatedLabel : String
Label used by UI, translated to the current user’s language.

TranslatedDescription : String
Description translated to the current user’s language.

BeforeTransitionWorkflow : Workflow
Workflow to execute before the transition, with the ability to cancel it.

AfterTransitionWorkflow : Workflow
Workflow to execute after the transition.

LifecycleStateTransition Methods

GetAllowedIdentities() : Identity[]

Get identities having permissions to this transition.

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