
Deletes specified items.

DeleteItems Parameters

ItemType : ItemType
Target item type to delete items.

Filter? : Function
Predicate function to filter items (null to delete all items).

IncludeDerived : Boolean = false
True to delete items of derived types.

DisableEvents : Boolean = false
True to disable runtime events (e.g. OnDelete event properties, ‘Item Deleted’ workflows).

IgnorePermissions : Boolean = false
True to ignore permissions.

DirectMode : Boolean = false
True to directly delete items without transaction, events and permissions.
Nullable picklist references to deleted items will be set to null without default value calculation.


Imports items data using item type import script.

ImportData Parameters

View : View
The view of type Import with import options.

File? : Url
File to import (e.g. Excel file).

RemoveFile : Boolean = false
True to remove the file after importing.

? : ?
Any additional import option supported by the import script.

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