AffectItem(item, hint = ”) : Item

Alias: MarkAffected

Marks an item as affected (modified).
Affected items are included in remote notification for subscribed clients to be notified in real time.

AffectItem Parameters

item : Item

hint : String? = ”
Hint how to refresh (null to unmark).
Can be for example a view name for client to know what to refresh.

AffectItem Examples

AffectItem($Item, 'Address');

ChangeItemType(item, newItemType, properties?, skipEvent = false) : Item

Changes type of an item.

ChangeItemType Parameters

item : Item

newItemType : ItemType
Can be full name of the ItemType.
Usually new type is from the same polymorphic hierarchy (base type and polymorphic descendandts).

properties? : Dict?
To replace existing properties with new values during type change, or to add missing values.

skipEvent : Boolean = false
True to skip runtime events (OnCreate, OnChange).

ChangeItemType Examples


CreateItem(itemType, properties?, skipEvent = false) : Item

Creates a new item.

CreateItem Parameters

itemType : ItemType
Can be full name of the ItemType.

properties? : Dict?
Initial values for item properties.

skipEvent : Boolean = false
True to skip OnCreate runtime event (and other events too if any).

CreateItem Examples

var item = $.TargetSolution.TargetType.CreateItem({ Name = 'New item' });

DeleteItem(item, skipEvent = false) : Boolean

Alias: Delete

Deletes an item.
Returns false if item is null.

DeleteItem Parameters

item : Item?
Item to delete.

skipEvent : Boolean = false
True to skip OnDelete runtime event (and other events if any).

DeleteItem Examples

var ok = DeleteItem($Item);

DocumentFiles(solution?, itemId?) : Document[]

Returns document files in file storage.

DocumentFiles Parameters

solution? : Solution?
Can be Solution or solution ID to get files from solution.

itemId? : Guid?
Item ID to get only item document files.

DocumentFiles Examples

var documents = DocumentFiles($Item.$Solution, $Item.Id);

Export(solution, items?, config?) : Dict?

Exports items.

Export Parameters

solution : Solution
Main solution – can also be ItemType to export ItemType only (no zip).

items? : Item[]
Array of items.

config? : Dict?
{ ExcludeProperties = string[] }

FindItem(itemType, searchQuery?, includeArchived = false) : Item?

Finds items by specified criteria and returns the first one.

FindItem Parameters

itemType : ItemType
Can be full name of the ItemType.

searchQuery? : ?
String to search by Name, or predicate function (e.g. x => x.Index > 1).

includeArchived : Boolean = false
True to include archived items (items in archive states).

FindItem Examples

var item = $.TargetSolution.TargetType.FindItem(i => i.Name == 'Some item');
var item = $.TargetSolution.TargetType.FindItem('Some item');

FindItems(itemType, searchQuery?, sortBy?, start = 0, count = -1, includeArchived = false) : Item[]

Finds items by specified criteria.

FindItems Parameters

itemType : ItemType
Can be full name of the ItemType or array of types.

searchQuery? : ?
String to search by Name, or predicate function (e.g. x => x.Index > 1).

sortBy? : String?
Comma separated property names to sort by.
If a property name starts with ‘!’ then descending order is used.

start : Integer = 0
Positive number for skip first number of items from the result.

count : Integer = -1
Non-negative number to limit the number of items in the result.

includeArchived : Boolean = false
True to include archived items (items in archive states).

FindItems Examples

var items = $.TargetSolution.TargetType.FindItems(); // all items
var items = $.TargetSolution.TargetType.FindItems(i => i.CreatedBy == $User);
var items = $.TargetSolution.TargetType.FindItems(i => i.CreatedBy == $User, 'Name,!Sequence');

FindOrCreateItem(itemType, searchQuery?, properties?, skipEvent = false) : Item

Finds the first item by specified criteria, otherwise creates a new item.

FindOrCreateItem Parameters

itemType : ItemType
Can be full name of the ItemType.

searchQuery? : ?
String to search by Name, or predicate function (e.g. x => x.Index > 1).

properties? : Dict?
Initial values for the new item (if no existing item is found).

skipEvent : Boolean = false
True to skip OnCreate runtime event (and other events too if any).

FindOrCreateItem Examples

var item = $.TargetSolution.TargetType.FindOrCreateItem(i => i.Name == 'Some item', { Name = 'Some item' });

History(item, filter?) : Dict[]

Returns history log of item changes.

History Parameters

item : Item?

filter? : ?
String to search by Name, or predicate function (e.g. x => x.Index > 1).

History Examples

var records = $Item.History();
var records = $Item.History(i => i.Name.Contains('text'));

Item(itemId) : Item?

Returns an item by its ID.
Does not check if the item exists, so errors may occur later on item properties access.

Item Parameters

itemId : Guid?

Item Examples

var item = Item('db72e5cd-9efe-4ad1-a5f8-a65ac480c00e');

LockItem(item, numberOfAttempts = 50) : Item

Alias: Lock

Locks an item till the end of the current transaction so concurrent attempts to modify the item in other transactions will fail.

LockItem Parameters

item : Item

numberOfAttempts : Integer = 50
Number of attempts to lock the item (in case of another transaction lock).
If zero, then the number of lock attempts is unlimited.
The delay between lock attempts is 100ms.

LockItem Examples


OrderItemTypes(itemTypes) : ItemType[]

Orders Item Types according to their dependencies to each other.
The first element in the resulting array is the least dependent type.

OrderItemTypes Parameters

itemTypes : ItemType[]

OrderItemTypes Examples

var ordered = OrderItemTypes($.TargetSolution.ItemTypes);


Parses items search query string.

ParseSearch Parameters

search : String

PromoteItem(item, state, args?, getResult = false) : Item

Alias: Promote

Promotes an item to another state.

PromoteItem Parameters

item : Item

state : String
Next state name.

args? : Dict?
Additional arguments for transition workflow.

getResult : Boolean = false
True to get explicit transition result instead of the item (or null, if there is no explicit result).

PromoteItem Examples

$Item.PromoteItem('NewState', { Param = true });
var wfResult = $Item.PromoteItem('NewState', missing, true);

ResolveReferences(array, name, itemType) : []

Resolves and loads all items for the given property for all items in the collection at once (eliminating N+1 problem).

ResolveReferences Parameters

array : []

name : String

itemType : []

Siblings(item, excludeSelf = false) : Item[]

Returns sibling items of an item (with the same parent if exists, or all the items of the same type otherwise).

Siblings Parameters

item : Item?

excludeSelf : Boolean = false
True to exclude the item itself from the result.

Siblings Examples

var siblingsWithItem = $Item.Siblings();
var siblingsWithoutItem = $Item.Siblings(true);

UpdateItem(item, properties, skipEvent = false) : Item

Alias: Update

Updates an item.

UpdateItem Parameters

item : Item

properties : Dict?
Properties to update.

skipEvent : Boolean = false
True to skip OnChange runtime event (and other events too if any).

UpdateItem Examples

$Item.UpdateItem({ Name = 'New name', SomeProp = true });

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