ImageConvert(image?, format?, filename?, options?) : Resource?

Converts an image from one format to another.

ImageConvert Parameters

image? : Resource?
Image resource file.

format? : String?
Target format to convert the image (Can be Bmp, Emf, Wmf, Jpeg, Png, Gif, Tiff, Exif, Icon).

filename? : String?
Output file name.

options? : Dict?
Conversion options (Quality: 0..100 or -1 for lossless conversion).

ImageSize(image, width?, height?, options?)

Gets or sets the image size.
If width and height are null, then returns dictionary { Width, Height }.
Otherwise sets new image size and returns new resource.

ImageSize Parameters

image : Resource
Source image resource file.

width? : Integer?
New image width (can be null to calculate from height).

height? : Integer?
New image height (can be null to calculate from width).

options? : Dict?
Resize options (KeepAspect : boolean).

QRCode(options?) : Resource?

Generates QR-Code image.

QRCode Parameters

options? : Dict?
Generation options (type, fg, bg, icon, iconSize, iconBorder).
Option ‘type’ is required.

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