
Represents error object that can be caught by function Safe when some error occurred.

Error Properties

Type : String
Error type (e.g. Constraint, Permission, Platform, Runtime, Remote).

Servant : Boolean
Indicates that the error is servant and should not be shown to end user (however, it may have inner error that is end-user error).

Message : String

Details : Dict
Additional error details dictionary.

StackTrace : String[]
Script stack trace (for debugging purpose).

InnerErrors : Error[]
Inner errors, usually those caused this error to happen.

Error Methods

ShowInLog() : Error

ExtractMessages() : String[]

Extract all messages from this error and all its inner errors as array.

ForEndUser() : Error

Get error copy prepared for end-user (filter out all servant errors).


Result Properties

HasValue : Boolean
Indicates that the result has value.

The result value.

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