Date Properties
Year : Integer
The year component (between 1 and 9999).
Month : Integer
The month component (between 1 and 12).
Day : Integer
The day component (between 1 and 31).
DayOfWeek : Integer
The day of the week (0 – Sunday, 1 – Monday, etc.).
- Sunday
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Thursday
- Friday
- Saturday
DayOfYear : Integer
The day of the year (between 1 and 366).
DateTime Properties
Year : Integer
The year component (between 1 and 9999).
Month : Integer
The month component (between 1 and 12).
Day : Integer
The day component (between 1 and 31).
DayOfWeek : Integer
The day of the week (0 – Sunday, 1 – Monday, etc.).
- Sunday
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Thursday
- Friday
- Saturday
DayOfYear : Integer
The day of the year (between 1 and 366).
Date : DateTime
The date part (with zero time).
Hour : Integer
The hour component (between 0 and 23).
Minute : Integer
The minute component (between 0 and 59).
Second : Integer
The seconds component (between 0 and 59).
Millisecond : Integer
The milliseconds component (between 0 and 999).
TimeOfDay : Duration
The fraction of the day that has elapsed since midnight.
Duration Properties
Ticks : Long
The number of ticks in this duration.
Days : Integer
The number of full days in this duration (can be negative).
Hours : Integer
The number of full hours of the incomplete day in this duration (between -23 and 23).
Minutes : Integer
The number of full minutes of the incomplete hour in this duration (between -59 and 59).
Seconds : Integer
The number of full seconds of the incomplete minute in this duration (between -59 and 59).
Milliseconds : Integer
The number of milliseconds of the incomplete second in this duration (between -999 and 999).
TotalDays : Float
The total number of days in this duration.
TotalHours : Float
The total number of hours in this duration.
TotalMinutes : Float
The total number of minutes in this duration.
TotalSeconds : Float
The total number of seconds in this duration.
TotalMilliseconds : Float
The total number of milliseconds in this duration.
Time Properties
Hour : Integer
The hour component (between 0 and 23).
Minute : Integer
The minute component (between 0 and 59).
Second : Integer
The seconds component (between 0 and 59).
Millisecond : Integer
The milliseconds component (between 0 and 999).
TotalHours : Float
The total number of hours since midnight.
TotalMinutes : Float
The total number of minutes since midnight.
TotalSeconds : Float
The total number of seconds since midnight.
TotalMilliseconds : Float
The total number of milliseconds since midnight.
TimeZone Properties
Id : String
The time zone identifier.
Offset : Duration
The time difference between the current time zone’s standard time and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
Name : String
The time zone’s general display name.
StandardName : String
The display name of the time zone’s standard time.
DaylightName : String
The display name for the time zone’s daylight saving time.
HasDaylight : Boolean
Indicates whether the time zone has any daylight saving time rules.
Abbreviation : String
The time zone’s abbreviation.