Custom Events

Gnosis Workflow, EventHandler-type Views, and Expression properties can be triggered to handle custom Events. EventHander-type Views must be of gsAction format. EventHandler Expression properties must contain an Anonymous Function. Since derived Item Types automatically inherit properties, this approach allows for logical inheritance of Events. Derived Item Types can override the Expression Property and use the …


Workflows can be launched before and after each Lifecycle State Transition, performing any business logic required. Gnosis Workflows are graphical Gnosis Scripts composed of Activities, essentially Gnosis Functions. Gnosis Workflow comes with many out-of-the-box activities, and you can create custom activities from Gnosis Scripts, which allows you to develop integration with other systems.


Each Item Type can have an associated Lifecycle. Gnosis Lifecycles are State Machines that describe the possible States (or status) for the Item Type. Item Types can share the same Lifecycle, and many Item Types do not have or need a Lifecycle. Lifecycle Details Name—The Lifecycle Name. The Name can contain only letters, digits, and …

Item Types

Item Types are used to model business items, including data, logic, and UI. Item Types are Object-oriented and Lifecycle-driven Items with Logic, Views, and access controlled by Identity-based Permissions. They are like a database table with columns (Properties) and rows (Items)—however, Gnosis stores application data in MongoDB, where Items are saved as JSON documents. To …


A Solution is like a namespace containing Item Types, Lifecycles, Workflow, and Views. A Gnosis Application is composed of one or more Solutions. The Gnosis Solutions App, accessible by users with Administrator or Developer Roles, allows you to create, export, and import Solutions for the Gnosis Application. The Gnosis Solutions App diagrams the Solutions for …


Views are used for the Gnosis no-code App, custom User Interface, Application Logic, and Web API. Gnosis Identity Permissions manage Access Control to views. To render or execute the View, a User must be a Member of the Identity granted Permission. View Name The View Name can be any string of letters, digits, spaces, underscores, …