App Versions

New Version Click the New Version toolbar button to open the New Version dialog. Version Details The Version Details tab allows you to manage the Version Name, Base Version, and before- and after-installation scripts. Release Notes The Release Notes tab allows you to document the changes for the Version package. The Release Notes support HTML …

App Modules

Use the Gnosis Modules App to manage the installed Modules for the Gnosis Application. It allows you to configure the Gnosis Application as a module for build and release. The Application module is the default name for the Gnosis Application, which can be changed to anything you want. The System module is built in and …

App History

The History client shows all changes made to the Gnosis Application. It is mainly used for packaging changes into versions for release. Select the History row to open the Changes panel to the right, allowing you to manage the History Change. You can multi-select History Changes so you can work with sets of changes. Show …