Background Tasks

Gnosis Tasks are Gnosis Scripts executed in the background. They use a thread pool to execute background Tasks in parallel. If the Gnosis Application is shut down (e.g., OS reboot), all the Tasks currently in progress are automatically restarted when the Gnosis Application is started again. Tasks are stored and contain the command, parameters, status, …

Users, Teams, & Identities

Identities A User Account is required to log in to a Gnosis Application. Each User Account is a Gnosis Identity, with the User’s first and last names as the Identity Name. A Team, also a Gnosis Identity, is a collection of User Identities that form Member/Membership relationships. Teams can include other Teams as members, allowing …


A Solution is like a namespace containing Item Types, Lifecycles, Workflow, and Views. A Gnosis Application is composed of one or more Solutions. The Gnosis Solutions App, accessible by users with Administrator or Developer Roles, allows you to create, export, and import Solutions for the Gnosis Application. The Gnosis Solutions App diagrams the Solutions for …

App Configuration

To set the Gnosis Application configuration settings, use the Gnosis Configuration App, which is only accessible to users with an Administrator or Developer Role. Add Configuration Setting Click the New Configuration toolbar button that opens the New Configuration dialog. Google reCAPTACH Settings Google reCAPTCHA can be used to help valid users. This will require setting …

Gnosis no-code App

The Gnosis Application Platform takes a Model-Driven Design approach to building Apps. In Gnosis, you model your Application Business Entities and Logic using the Gnosis no-code App. Users can immediately begin using the App with the same App without coding. The Gnosis no-code App dynamically adapts to Application changes, so as you change the App, …

Gnosis Script Operators

Operators are used to perform operations on values or variables. Gnosis Script operators are organizes into groups and have an evaluation priority. The following are the major operator groups in evaluation priority order from highest to lowest priority: Dot Operator The dot (.) operator is used to obtain an object property value, an array element, …