CharToString(code) : String?

Converts UTF32 character code to string.

CharToString Parameters

code : int

CharToString Examples

var ok = CharToString(65) == 'A';

Diff(str1, str2, wordMode = false) : []

Finds differences between two strings.
Returns array of change objects { Operation, Text }.
Operation can be ‘Equal’, ‘Delete’ or ‘Insert’.

Diff Parameters

str1 : String?

str2 : String?

wordMode : Boolean = false

Diff Examples

var diff = Diff('Test Data', 'Test Data2');
var ok = diff.(2).Operation == 'Insert' and diff.(2).Text == '2';

Ellipsis(str, length) : String?

Truncates string to the specified length and inserts ellipsis symbol if truncated.

Ellipsis Parameters

str : String?

length : Integer

Ellipsis Examples

var ok = Ellipsis('Test Data', 5) == 'Test…';
var ok = Ellipsis('Test Data', 15) == 'Test Data';

EndsWith(str, end, ignoreCase = false) : Boolean

Determines if a string ends with specified substring.

EndsWith Parameters

str : String?

end : String?

ignoreCase : Boolean = false

EndsWith Examples

var ok = 'Test Data'.EndsWith('Data');
var ok = 'Test Data'.EndsWith('data', true);

GenerateUid() : String?

Generates a unique ID string.

IdentifierToTitle(name) : String?

Converts identifier name to title text.

IdentifierToTitle Parameters

name : String?

IdentifierToTitle Examples

var ok = IdentifierToTitle('SomeVariable') == 'Some Variable';
var ok = IdentifierToTitle('SomeVariable_and_more') == 'Some Variable And More';

Match(source, pattern, flags?)

Searches the source string for the regex pattern.
Returns boolean result or array, depending on flags.

Match Parameters

source : String?

pattern : String?

flags? : String
May consist of the following symbols:

  • i – to ignore case
  • m – to perform multi-line match (‘^’ and ‘$’ match begin and end of line respectively)
  • s – to perform single-line match (‘.’ matches new line as well)
  • G – to return array of captured groups
  • A – to return array of all matches

Match Examples

var ok = 'Some input text'.Match('ex');
var ok = 'Some input text'.Match('^.*put.*$');
var groups = 'some input text'.Match('([a-z]{4}).*([a-z]{4})', 'G');
var ok = groups.(2).Value == 'some' and groups.(3).Value == 'text';
var matches = 'some input text'.Match('([a-z])([a-z]{3})(?![a-z])', 'A');
var ok = matches.(1).(1).Value == 'some' and matches.(1).(2).Value == 's' and matches.(1).(3).Value == 'ome'
    and matches.(2).(1).Value == 'nput' and matches.(2).(2).Value == 'n' and matches.(2).(3).Value == 'put'
    and matches.(3).(1).Value == 'text' and matches.(3).(2).Value == 't' and matches.(3).(3).Value == 'ext';

MinifyCode(code, codeType, sourceName?, failOnError = false) : String?

Alias: Minify

Minifes code (js/json/css/html).

MinifyCode Parameters

code : String?

codeType : String
‘js’ – javascript, ‘json’ – JSON, ‘css’ – CSS, ‘html’ – HTML.

sourceName? : String?
Source name to use if error occurs during minification.

failOnError : Boolean = false
If false, then ignores errors and returns original code.

Pluralize(word) : String?

Makes plural form of the word.

Pluralize Parameters

word : String?

Pluralize Examples

var ok = Pluralize('Person') == 'People';
var ok = Pluralize('Man') == 'Men';

RegexEscape(str) : String?

Replaces all characters that are special in regex syntax with their escape codes.

RegexEscape Parameters

str : String?

RegexEscape Examples

var ok = RegexEscape('.*?') == '\\.\\*\\?';

Replace(text, search, replace, isRegex = true) : String?

Finds and replaces specified pattern in specified text (using regex or exact match).

Replace Parameters

text : String?

search : String?

replace : String?
Can be string replace pattern or function (v, groups) => replace.

isRegex : Boolean = true
or string option ‘i’

Replace Examples

var ok = 'text'.Replace('(.)', '$1$1') == 'tteexxtt';

Split(text, pattern, anyChar = false) : String[]

Splits string to an array of strings by regex pattern or by separator characters.

Split Parameters

text : String?

pattern : String?

anyChar : Boolean = false
True to split by any character of the pattern (no regex split).

Split Examples

var ok = 'some input text'.Split(' ') == ['some', 'input', 'text'];
var ok = 'aa-bb+cc*dd/ee'.Split('+-*/', true) == ['aa', 'bb', 'cc', 'dd', 'ee'];

StartsWith(str, start, ignoreCase = false) : Boolean

Determines if a string starts with specified substring.

StartsWith Parameters

str : String?

start : String?

ignoreCase : Boolean = false

StartsWith Examples

var ok = 'Test Data'.StartsWith('Test');
var ok = 'Test Data'.StartsWith('test', true);

StringJoin(array, separator?, selectorOrTrimFlag?) : String?

Concatenates all the items of array, using the specified separator between each item.

StringJoin Parameters

array : []?

separator? : String?

selectorOrTrimFlag? : ?
Can be function ((item, index) => value) or boolean trim flag.
True to trim starting and ending whitespace characters from each item and to exclude all empty items from joining.

StringJoin Examples

var ok = ['a', 'b', ' ', 'c'].StringJoin(', ') == 'a, b,  , c';
var ok = ['a', 'b', ' ', 'c'].StringJoin(', ', true) == 'a, b, c';
var ok = [{A='a'}, {A='b'}, {A='c'}].StringJoin(', ', o => o.A) == 'a, b, c';

Substitute(template, scope?, templateName?) : String?

Alias: $

Substitutes template (e.g. replaces all $(var?.prop? -> format) occurences with corresponding values).

Substitute Parameters

template : String?

scope? : ?
If missing, then current evaluation scope is used.

templateName? : String?
Optional template name for error messages.

Substitute Examples

var ok = Substitute('Hello $(Name)! Be my $(Role).', { Name='John', Role='Guest' }) == 'Hello John! Be my Guest.';

Substring(str, start, count?) : String?

Returns substring of a string.

Substring Parameters

str : String?

start : Integer
If negative, then counts from the length of the string (e.g. -1 = last character).

count? : Integer
If missing, then string length is used by default.

Substring Examples

var ok = 'Some text'.Substring(6) == 'text';
var ok = 'Some text'.Substring(6, 2) == 'te';

Surround(str, prefix, suffix?) : String?

Surrounds a string with prefix and suffix.

Surround Parameters

str : String?

prefix : String?

suffix? : String?
If missing, then prefix is used as suffix.

Surround Examples

var ok = 'text'.Surround('(', ')') == '(text)';
var ok = 'text'.Surround('-') == '-text-';

Template(body, name?, eval?) : Template

Returns template object that can be substituted in a scope.

Template Parameters

body : String?
Template body text, may contain variables.

name? : String?
Template name (mostly used in error messages).

eval? : Function?
Evaluator function ((scope, name) => value) that returns either prop value by name or missing to indicate error.

Template Examples

var tpl = Template('Hello $(Name)! Be my $(Role).', 'Greeting');
var ok = tpl.Substitute({ Name='John', Role='Guest' }) == 'Hello John! Be my Guest.';

TitleToIdentifier(title) : String?

Converts title text to identifier name.

TitleToIdentifier Parameters

title : String?

TitleToIdentifier Examples

var ok = TitleToIdentifier('Some Variable') == 'SomeVariable';
var ok = TitleToIdentifier('Some variable and more') == 'SomeVariableAndMore';

ToLower(str) : String?

Converts string to lowercase.

ToLower Parameters

str : String?

ToLower Examples

var ok = ToLower('Some Text') == 'some text';

ToString(value, format?) : String?

Converts value to string.

ToString Parameters

value : ?

format? : String?
The following format is supported:
    ?@ utc (minLength,maxLength,fillChar) default|negative|positive [keyformat][subformat]

The symbol ‘?’ activates ‘skip-null’ mode: if set, then no formatting and wrapping is applied for null value and empty string is generated.
The symbol ‘@’ activates ‘skip-keys’ mode: if set, then only dictionary values are formatted, keys are ignored.
The modifier ‘utc’ forces formatting time values in UTC instead of current users’s time zone.

minLength – minimum length of the formatted value (without prefix and suffix).
    If the length of the formatted value is less than Abs(minLength) then it is filled with fillChar.
    The fillChar is appended if minLength is positive and prepended if negative.
maxLength – maximum length of the formatted value (without prefix and suffix).
    If zero then no maximum length.
    If the length of the formatted value is greater than Abs(maxLength) then it is truncated:
        – from the end if maxLength is positive;
        – from the beginning if maxLength is negative.
fillChar – the symbol to fill gaps in the case when the length of the formatted value is less than Abs(minLength).

default|negative|positive – specifies value format and wrapping.
    Default format is required, negative and positive are optional (separated by ‘|’).
    If all three formats are specified, then each format is used depending on value: negative format is used for negative values,
    positive format is used for positive values and default format is used for neutral values. If any format is omitted, then default one is used.
    Negative format is applied to negative numbers, boolean false, dates from past, null, empty strings, empty arrays, etc.
    Positive format is applied to positive numbers, boolean true, dates from future, non-empty strings, non-empty arrays, etc.
    Value format looks like ‘prefix/format/suffix’ where preffix and suffix are textual parts to wrap formatted value,
    while format depends on value type and specifies formatting of the value (e.g. ‘0.00#’).
    Value format can be specified in special html tag form, for example ‘<li>’ expands to ‘<li>//</li>’ (prefix and suffix tags with default value format).

keyformat – is a subformat used for dictionary keys, supports all the modifiers including nested keyformat and subformat.
    If not set, then subformat is used.
subformat – is a subformat used for array items and dictionary values, supports all the modifiers including nested keyformat and subformat.
    If not set, then current format is used for nested items as well.

ToString Examples

var ok = ToString('test', '(6,,_)') == 'test__';
var ok = ToString('test', '(-6,,_)') == '__test';
var ok = ToString('test', '(,3)') == 'tes';
var ok = ToString('test', '(,-3)') == 'est';
var ok = ToString(5, '000|(000)') == '005';
var ok = ToString(-5, '000|(000)') == '(005)';
var ok = ToString(5, 'N\\/A|number: -/0|number: /0') == 'number: 5';
var ok = ToString(-5, 'N\\/A|number: -/0|number: /0') == 'number: -5';
var ok = ToString(0, 'N\\/A|number: -/0|number: /0') == 'N/A';
var ok = ToString([1, 2], '\\(//)') == '(1)\n(2)';
var ok = ToString([1, 2], '\\(/, /)[0]') == '(1, 2)';

ToUpper(str) : String?

Converts string to uppercase.

ToUpper Parameters

str : String?

ToUpper Examples

var ok = ToUpper('Some Text') == 'SOME TEXT';

Trim(str, trimChars?) : String?

Removes all leading and trailing occurrences of a specified set of characters.

Trim Parameters

str : String?

trimChars? : String
Omit to trim whitespace characters.

Trim Examples

var ok = Trim('  test\n ') == 'test';
var ok = Trim('-- test --', ' -') == 'test';

TrimEnd(str, trimChars?) : String?

Removes all trailing occurrences of a specified set of characters.

TrimEnd Parameters

str : String?

trimChars? : String
Omit to trim whitespace characters.

TrimEnd Examples

var ok = TrimEnd('  test\n ') == '  test';
var ok = TrimEnd('-- test --', ' -') == '-- test';

TrimStart(str, trimChars?) : String?

Removes all leading occurrences of a specified set of characters.

TrimStart Parameters

str : String?

trimChars? : String
Omit to trim whitespace characters.

TrimStart Examples

var ok = TrimStart('  test\n ') == 'test\n ';
var ok = TrimStart('-- test --', ' -') == 'test --';

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