Call(function, parameters?)

Calls function with array or dictionary of parameters.

Call Parameters

function : Function

parameters? : []?
Parameters array or dictionary (name -> value).

Call Examples

var ok = Url.Call(['', 'request', { q = '1' }]).Url == '';
var ok = Url.Call({ url = '', params = { q = '1' } }).Url == '';


Pauses script execution and waits for the debugger (if attached).

DebugBreak Parameters

result? : ?
Value to return as a result.

DefaultIfMissing(identifier, defaultValue?)

Returns value of the identifier, or default value if the identifier is missing.

DefaultIfMissing Parameters

identifier : ?

defaultValue? : ?

DefaultIfMissing Examples

var ok = DefaultIfMissing(unknownVar, 5) == 5;

Error(error, details?)

Raises an error.

Error Parameters

error : String
Message string (or error object).

details? : Dict?
Additional error details (if 1st arg is message).

Error Examples

Error('Operation failed');
Error('Operation failed', { Code = 5 });

Eval(code, guard, scope?)

Evaluates user-defined script.

Eval Parameters

code : String
Script code to execute.

guard : Function
func(op, funcOrObj, prop) where op can be ‘func’ or ‘prop’.

scope? : Dict?
Variables available to the script code.

Expression(expression, unwrapIdentifier = true, parseString = false)

Returns AST of the argument expression.

Expression Parameters

expression : ?

unwrapIdentifier : Boolean = true

parseString : Boolean = false
True to parse expression from string.

Expression Examples

var ok = Expression(a == 1).TypeName == 'Equal';

Functions(name?) : []

Returns available functions.

Functions Parameters

name? : ?
String name to return one function, true to get all functions, omit to get all names.

GetFunctionConfig(key) : String?

Returns configuration string value for the key ‘Functions/{funcname}/{key}’.
Works only for script functions from internal resource storage (res:///functions/{funcname}.gs).
Returns null if the configuration key is missing or the value is empty.

GetFunctionConfig Parameters

key : String

GetFunctionConfig Examples

var password = GetFunctionConfig('Password');

GetType(value, full?) : String?

Returns value type.

GetType Parameters

value : ?

full? : ?
True to get ArgumentType descriptor, ‘schema’ to try getting full type schema first.

GetType Examples

var ok = GetType('string') == 'String';
var ok = GetType('string', true).ValueType == 'String';
var schema = GetType($.MySolution, 'schema');

LazyCall(function, parameters?, once = false)

Calls function with array or dictionary of parameters on demand.

LazyCall Parameters

function : Function

parameters? : []?
parameters array or dictionary name -> value

once : Boolean = false

LazyCall Examples

var ok = Url.LazyCall(['', 'request', { q = '1' }]).Url == '';
var ok = Url.LazyCall({ url = '', params = { q = '1' } }).Url == '';

Log(value, prefix?)

Dumps value to debug log (string value is logged as is).

Log Parameters

value : ?

prefix? : ?
Prefix is added before the value.

LogError(error, params?) : Error?

Adds an error to the error log.

LogError Parameters

error : ?
Error object or message.

params? : Dict?
Additional parameters to add to the error log.

LogError Examples

Safe(Error('Some error'), e => (LogError(e), false));
LogError('Some error', { Details = 'More info' });

NotFoundError(message, targetType?, targetName?)

Raises a not-found error (404 code if called from Web API).

NotFoundError Parameters

message : String

targetType? : String?

targetName? : String?

NotFoundError Examples

NotFoundError('Item was not found');
NotFoundError('Item was not found', 'Item', 'Item Name');

PermissionError(message, operation?, targetType?, targetName?)

Raises a permission error (403 code if called from Web API).

PermissionError Parameters

message : String

operation? : String?

targetType? : String?

targetName? : String?

PermissionError Examples

PermissionError('Item is not accessible');
PermissionError('Item is not accessible', 'Read', 'Item', 'Item Name');

Resolve(value, deep = false)

Resolves parameter to the final value (evaluates lazy value).

Resolve Parameters

value : ?

deep : Boolean = false
True to resolve array/dict items.

Safe(expr1, expr2OrCatch?, …)

Returns the first argument that evaluates without error, or null otherwise.

Safe Parameters

expr1 : ?

expr2OrCatch? : ?
If function is provided, then it is called with the error as the argument: catch(error), and the result of the function is used as the result of the Safe function.

? : ?

Safe Examples

var ok = Safe(Error('Operation failed'), 10) == 10;
var ok = Safe(Error('Operation failed'), e => (LogError(e), 10)) == 10;

SetVariable(name, value)

Sets a script global variable.

SetVariable Parameters

name : String

value : ?

SetVariable Examples

SetVariable('a', 10);
var ok = a == 10;

Sleep(ms = 1000)

Delays task execution for a certain amount of milliseconds.

Sleep Parameters

ms : Integer = 1000
Number of milliseconds to wait.

Sleep Examples


Switch(testValue, case1, result1, …, defaultResult?)

Returns a result that corresponds to a case that matches testValue.
If testValue does not match any case, then defaultResult is returned (or error is raised if no default result).

Switch Parameters

testValue : ?

case1 : ?

result1 : ?

? : ?

defaultResult? : ?

Switch Examples

a = 10; var ok = Switch(a, 1, 'NO', 10, 'YES') == 'YES';
a = 10; var ok = Switch(a, 1, 'NO', 2, 'YES', 'DEF') == 'DEF';

Types(name?) : []

Returns available types.

Types Parameters

name? : String?
Non-null value to return one type by name, otherwise get all types.

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