Geolocation Functions

GeocodeAddress(streetAddress, city, state?, zipCode?, number?) : []?

Returns full geolocation address data.
Uses service to retrieve address information.
Returns array of objects (Latitude, Longitude, Quality?, MatchedLocationType?, MatchType?, GeocodeQualityType?, MatchScore?, InterpolationType?, InterpolationSubType?, RegionSize?, RegionSizeUnits?).

GeocodeAddress Parameters

streetAddress : String
Address street name.

city : String
City name.

state? : String?
State name.

zipCode? : String?
Zip or Postal code.

number? : String?
Address street number (if separate from streetAddress).

MapDistance(from, to, units = ‘imperial’) : Dict?

Calculates distance between two locations.
Uses Google Maps API to calculate distance.
Returns dictionary (distance, status, rows).

MapDistance Parameters

from : String
Source address.

to : String
Destination address.

units : String = ‘imperial’
Metric or imperial.

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