Cryptography Functions

Decrypt(data, key?, iv?) : Resource?

Decrypts data using AES CBC algorithm.

Decrypt Parameters

data : Binary
Encrypted data returned by Encrypt function.

key? : Binary?
Can be null to use default hard-coded key.

iv? : Binary?
Initialization vector returned by Encrypt function.

Encrypt(data, key?, asObject = false) : Resource?

Encrypts data using AES CBC algorithm.

Encrypt Parameters

data : Binary

key? : Binary?
Can be null to use default hard-coded key.

asObject : Boolean = false
True to return object { Data, IV }.

Hash(content, algorithm = ‘SHA1’) : String?

Computes cryptographic hash of the content and returns hex-encoded string.

Hash Parameters

content : Binary

algorithm : String = ‘SHA1’
Can be MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512.

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